ashes-infused-rings memorial jewellery uk

Memorial Rings: A Stunning Saga

Prior to photos, memorial rings and different types of cremation jewellery (frequently holding a lock of the departed’s hair) were a few of honourable approaches to hold on to a friend or family member’s memory. 

Despite the fact that the process of holding memories in a tangible jewellery piece might look a little bold today, artful ashes rings have been around for quite a long time. It was a popular choice before, people often held tight to these jewellery pieces to feel a little bit closer to them. In contrast to other jewellery pieces, the cremation jewellery was engraved with the departed’s name and date of passing away. In some cases, many memorial rings were given to attendees at the burial services of the rich in England and other places in Europe. 

Brief History of cremation Jewellery

Ashes into rings initially turned into a thriving industry around 1649, when England’s King Charles I was executed. Cremation jewellery became very famous in the Victorian period when grieving was considered a normal process. After her significant other, Albert passed on, Queen Victoria launched a code for mourning garments. Mourning adornments were the only pieces of jewellery allowed to be worn by court members in the year following Albert’s demise. The queen herself mourned for the rest of her life. 

Honour Your Dearly Departed With Memorial Jewellery

Losing a friend or family member is quite possibly the most painful phase of life that you can confront. So how can you lessen the pain and agony and honour the departed one of the most popular alternatives is honouring them through cremation jewellery like ashes into glass rings. It’s a beautiful idea to use some methods of dealing with grief and help you cope with the pain and grief. 

One of the most popular ways to deal with grief is to keep their memories close and hold them close. You can show their photograph, or keep their remains in an urn near them in their home. Nowadays, a popular approach to keep their memory near is can be done through cremation jewellery like ashes into rings. However, you might be asking how can this be done? To infuse their remains into jewels.

It might sound a bit odd in the beginning. However, this is an incredible method of honouring your cherished one and keeping their memory alive. 

Also Read : The Meaning Behind Keepsake Jewellery

From remains to jewels—it’s simpler than you thought

Your adored one will be with you any place you go. If you keep the cinders of your adored in an urn, it just sits in a room. While this can bring solace, you can’t take your urn wherever you go. Memorial rings can be worn constantly, every single day. This guarantees that you have your cherished one’s memory wherever you go. 

Your mourning jewellery can be passed on to your family members in the future. Your token can be given to other relatives and passed down to ages. This guarantees that the memory of your cherished one lives on in a perfectly designed bit of jewellery. 

Beautiful recognitions for your adored 

New grieving gems are likewise accessible today, for example, pendants and mementoes that contain the departed’s remains. Or on the other hand, ashes can be transformed into precious stones and set into memorial rings. People can also create a beautiful piece of jewellery in honour of their fallen pets.

By Ashes Urns Jewellery

Our wide range includes memorial jewellery of all kinds. Whether you would like a ring to feel your loved one holding your hand, or a pendant to keep them close to your heart, we can help you.

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