ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

Honouring Loved Ones with Ashes into Glass Rings

Are you thinking of getting in touch with someone who passed away? Well cremation jewellery is an ideal option to choose for that. Typically people keep looking for a means to preserve their loved one’s memories after they have passed away. This explains why cremation jewelry has become so fashionable. This type of jewellery essentially […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

Understanding the Symbolism Behind Rings for Ashes

Do you have any questions about whether jewelry made from cremated remains could honor a loved one’s memory? If you just lost someone significant, you may find it difficult to accept your loss, and you may not want to think about what to do with their ashes for months or even years. However, memorial jewelry […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

Dressing Your Fingers with Glass Rings Embedded with Ashes

The death of a loved one is, possibly, the most painful and intense experience that a human being can experience emotionally. Saying goodbye to someone close to you is a process that can take years. Still, equally, many individuals do not want to part with the memory or presence of that loved person and need […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

Preserving Memories with Ash-Infused Glass Rings

Once these cremation diamonds are made, you can drop them or mount them into our cremation jewelry pieces. We have cremation bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, but ashes into glass rings are the most in demand. Aura Star Jewellery’s cremation rings for ashes are made of high-quality materials to ensure durability. All our cremation rings made […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

United In Remembrance: Ashes Rings UK Unveiled

Inside the Ashes Ring lies a discreet compartment, designed to hold the ashes or cherished mementoes of a loved one or pet. Wearing the cremation ring daily serves as a poignant reminder of their memory, with a sealed, threaded screw ensuring the safety of the tribute. For those seeking a unique and personalized memorial, the option of […]


Eternal Embrace: Ashes Rings – A Timeless Homage

In the journey of mourning and remembrance, the quest for meaningful ways to preserve the spirit of a departed loved one has taken on profound significance. Ashes rings, also known as rings for ashes, have emerged as poignant and enduring tributes, providing a touching means to keep memories alive. This exploration delves into the emotional depth […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

Understanding Ashes Rings and Their Significance

Gaining a reputation for his or her profound emotional symbolism, ashes jewellery has come to be a unique and cherished manner to memorialise loved ones. This article delves into the craftsmanship and importance behind ashes rings, exploring their cultural and private relevance. Unveiling the Craftsmanship Crafting ashes earrings includes a meticulous system that needs precision […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings memorial jewellery uk

Memorial Rings for Ashes — The Most Personal Token

Remembering the memories of our family, companions, and pets is a piece of the grieving process and memorial rings give the ideal chance to memorialize our friends and family. Rings made from ashes of friends and family give families and friends and family an esteemed method for remembering somebody in a way that is both […]

Ashes infused charms bracelets Ashes Infused Jewellery For Men Ashes Infused Pendants ashes-infused-rings

Who Can You Carry Within Your Ashes Infused Pendants

Every one of our Ashes Infused Pendants is made with authentic silver and a blend of valuable and semi-valuable stones and keeping in mind that we are glad for our photography of them, we realize that it’s ideal to see them up close to make certain of their quality. In contrast to some different lockets, […]

ashes into rings ashes-infused-rings

How Memorial Rings Emerged As a Beautiful Memorial Jewellery

However long people have been honouring their expired loved ones, they have been making and wearing jewellery as a memorable approach to them. Recognition jewellery, as it’s formally called, can appear as basic memorial rings or pendants with the expired’s name and date of death on it’s anything but, a more intricate piece with valuable […]